A BIG THINK* Breakfast Event: "The Current State of Privacy: Do We Still Have the Freedom ‘to be left alone’?"
Robert Epstein, Ph.D. Fmr. Editor-in-Chief, Psychology Today; Sr. Research Psychologist, AIBRT |
Andrew Lee Chief Executive Officer, ESET North America |
Andrew B. Serwin Co-Chair, Global Privacy & Data Security Practice Group, Morrison & Foerster, LLC |
CDF Members: FREE
Corporate Members: FREE [4]
FCD Members: FREE
Non-Members: $50
7:00 am to 7:30 am Coffee & Peer Networking
7:30 am to 9:00 am Breakfast & Program
All participants may receive 1 hour of MCLE and CPE education credit. Click here for more details.
Just over 3 years ago — a lifetime in the world of tech and privacy — CDF hosted its 1st “Big Think”, Invasion of the Data Miners. Being tracked 24/7 was still a new concept to most. How quaint that event now seems!
In this Big Think “sequel” we will look at how far things have morphed and escalated in 3 short years.
With the ever-expanding reach of goliaths Google and Facebook, the behind-the-scenes impact of “Search Engine Manipulation Effect” (aka autocomplete) can condition and manipulate our thinking on politics, news/current events, what we like, what we buy – everything! We’ll look at these and other techniques used to influence us, in ways most of us are unaware.
In addition to discussing how Big Tech tracks us, our state-of-the-art experts, will also cover:
- Why privacy is such a critical concern for companies — as a core trust and brand issue.
- Must we trade our privacy for access to the internet?
- Who owns and controls your information?
- Can you regain control of your digital dossier?
- What we can DO to reasonably secure ourselves, and our businesses, from revealing more than we want?
- What are the coming trends we need to know about to stay a step ahead, in an environment that changes daily?
Join us for this insightful and important 2017 “Privacy 2.0” update on how to wisely move in the era of brazen Big Tech and Big Data!
* BIG THINK: One in an occasional series about timely, thought-provoking topics that go beyond the boardroom and include the broader business community.
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