SAN DIEGO – December 27, 2016 –
Just two days into a new Administration, “Directors Forum 2017: Directors, Management & Shareholders in Dialogue,” January 22-24, 2017, will feature four keynote speakers who will provide insights into the 2017 economy, the future of Dodd Frank, trade deals, minimum wage, the continuing expansion of investor activism, political and regulatory intervention, and geo-political unrest. These issues and more require boards and management to adapt and react quickly and astutely. This conference uniquely brings together directors, management and shareholders, three constituencies who seldom share the stage to express their divergent and sometimes contentious perspectives.
The conference offers attendees the opportunity to engage in conversation and idea sharing, in an intimate setting, with a diverse group of speakers that include policy makers and thought leaders in business and corporate governance.
Included in the speaker lineup are four noteworthy keynote speakers:
- Stephen Moore, distinguished visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation and economic advisor to President-elect Trump, will share insights into the economic outlook for 2017 and anticipated changes in Dodd Frank, tax reform, minimum wage and trade deals.
- Hon. Karen Valihura, Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court, will discuss legal trends coming out of the most authoritative business court in the world and how they will impact business.
- David Sokol, Chair & CEO, Teton Capital LLC; former Berkshire Hathaway; Chair & CEO, NetJets; and Chair, MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. Sokol will discuss how boards can improve their performance (but often lack the guts to do so), the important role of activists and the critical need to retain a freedom based capitalistic system in America.
- Clifton Robbins, Founder & CEO of Blue Harbour Group L.P., will talk about how companies make themselves a target for activism and how they can work with an activist, should they come knocking.
The conference, held at the University of San Diego, uniquely brings shareholders together with directors and management. Attendance at the event is limited by design to encourage personal interaction between attendees and the nation’s leading corporate governance authorities.
“The Directors Forum conference is the venue for directors, shareholders, and the C-suite executives—constituents who do not generally see eye to eye—to listen to, and be heard by, top corporate governance thought leaders in the U.S.,” said Larry Stambaugh, program co-chair. “Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in this unique, off-the-record setting, and help shape the dialogue and direction in 2017.”
Directors Forum 2017 is open to the public, and general ticket prices are $2,050 per person if paid before Jan. 6, 2017, and $2,350 after that date. There is also a “Register 3, Get 1 Free” promotion. Corporate Directors Forum and Forum for Corporate Directors [of Orange County] members receive a $300 discount off the registration fee. For questions, please call (858) 455-7930, or register online at
About Corporate Directors Forum
Corporate Directors Forum is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization found in 1991. Its purpose is to help directors and those who support them build more effective boards through continuous learning and peer networking. Corporate Directors Forum believes better directors make boards more effective, and more effective boards make better corporations. To learn more, visit