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Corporate Directors Forum Hosts Open Breakfast Event: “Shareholder Activists: Coming to a Boardroom Near You… Building Your Playbook”

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Corporate Directors Forum is holding an open breakfast to discuss shareholder activists and their impact on the boardroom. The breakfast will take place on May 28 from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. at the San Diego Marriott La Jolla.

While most assume that shareholder activists only go after the big targets, 74% of activist campaigns waged in 2014 were at small-cap companies. With estimates of $200 billion dollars in the collective activists’ funds, clearly it is now a full-blown industry of its own—and not going anywhere.


The panel will discuss what strategies management and boards should implement in the event of a shareholder incursion. Speakers will offer perspectives on what activists are looking for, and how they managed their arrival and worked through the process.

Panelists include:

  • Kieran Gallahue, Former chairman & CEO, Carefusion, Inc.; director, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation and more
  • Lesley Howe, Director, Nuvasive, Inc.; Jamba, Inc.; Volcano Corp. and more
  • Robert Zivnuska, Principal, CamberView Partners, LLC

“These days no company is immune from shareholder activists, with small caps particularly vulnerable. Staying off the radar is best, so boards must work to see the company objectively, delving preemptively to identify vulnerabilities,” said Linda Sweeney, executive director of Corporate Directors Forum. “This event will provide proactive strategies for board members to prepare in advance of ‘the call,’ ideally, one they will never get.”

To learn more and RSVP for the breakfast, contact Corporate Directors Forum at 858/455-7930 or visit

About Corporate Directors Forum

Corporate Directors Forum, a 501c(6) located in San Diego, is the largest regional association of corporate directors in the U.S. and offers regular, interactive education programs for directors, officers and business leaders. The organization also hosts “Directors Forum: Directors, Management & Shareholders in Dialogue” every January.  CDF’s purpose is to help directors, and those who support them, be better directors through director education and peer-to-peer networking.
