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Nominations Now Open for Prestigious San Diego Director of the Year Honor

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Honorees Recognized as the Most Influential in Corporate Governance

Nominations for Corporate Directors Forum’s prestigious annual Director of the Year awards are now open. The Director of the Year awards will be held on Sept. 15, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla and will recognize directors for their outstanding performance in the boardroom.

Honorees from public, private and not-for-profit organizations are nominated by their boardroom peers to recognize their extraordinary contributions in six categories:

  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate citizenship
  • Enhancement of economic value
  • Corporate governance, non-for-profit board
  • Companies in transition
  • Lifetime achievement

Nominations will be accepted through May 29 at

“Directors should be celebrated for the critical role they play in growing and nurturing our region’s companies,” said Beth Altman, Director of the Year co-chairperson and managing director, KPMG LLP, San Diego office. “We seek to pay tribute to the region’s highest performing directors and recognize their extraordinary contributions.”

Nominees may be from any industry but must reside in San Diego County or serve on a board of a company
headquartered in San Diego. Awards are based on directors’ recent achievements (except for the Lifetime Achievement award).

The Director of the Year awards gala dinner is open to the public and ticket prices are $250 per person or $2,000 for a table of 10. Sponsorships are also available. To make reservations, please call 858/455-7930 or e-mail  

About Corporate Directors Forum

Corporate Directors Forum, a 501c(6) located in San Diego, is the largest regional association of corporate directors in the U.S. and offers regular, interactive education programs for directors, officers and business leaders. The organization also hosts “Directors Forum: Directors, Management & Shareholders in Dialogue” every January.  CDF’s purpose is to help directors, and those who support them, be better directors through director education and peer-to-peer networking.
